Affordable Housing (Part 1)

This term “affordable housing” has seen it’s fair share of use in the past little while. It seems you may get 10 different answers if you asked 10 different people how this is really defined. A case study of Pagosa Springs and Archuletta county is going to be conducted which will define this for us.
I recently sat in an open forum meeting hosted by the Regional Housing Authority for our area concerning this matter. We, like many growing Colorado resort towns, are facing the music when it comes to out-pricing our service industry personnel and their capabilities to own real estate in the “normal” market.This meeting was graced by the presence of the Mayor, members of the water board, county, city, banks, mortgage companies, developers, builders and of course….Realtors. It was the first possible step toward exploring some answers for the dilemma we are facing.
Why is it so hard to build a house that Mr. and Mrs. Joe blow can afford?
That is what I intend to explore with you here and on some of my other forums ( and in the upcoming months as I continue to probe into this topic myself.

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